Why do you think they wore all that make up?

Jem – Part 3

This is the last of our 3 part coverage of Jem. On this podcast we discuss the final 2 episodes in our 5 episode coverage and we finally get to see what happens with Jem, Kimber, Aja, & Shana

At the battle of the bands! Will Rio ever figure out Jem and Jericha are the same person? And how does Eric keep getting away with committing serious crimes? And who is this mysterious woman helping the Holograms? We’re several beers in and Chris is starting to not hate the music, while Sean is still rockin’ out. Join us and see how it all plays out!

Highlights: Jem & the Holograms, Pryde of the X-Men, X-Men Anime, Christy Marx, Aquanet Burger King Kids Club, Captain Eo, Townsend Coleman, Hasbro, 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo, Dragon Ball Z, Toei, Abobo.
IMDB: https://.imdb.com/title/tt0090461/
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jem_(TV_series)
Pryde of the X-Men: https://youtu.be/E21a-0mywUc
X-Men Anime Intro: https://youtu.be/2rSw4Xl5qfs
Christy Marx IMDB: http://imdb.com/name/nm0555601/
Burger King Kids Club: https://youtu.be/G8dWV2a4QKE
Captain EO: https://youtu.be/ONRTzWy26Ko
Abobo’s Big Adventure Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTBXvP89Now
Full play thru of Abobo’s Big Adventure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_jD5rVGIGk
All the Songs in Jem: http://jem.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Songs

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